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The Application Starter Pack for Graduate School$37

Includes 2 documents*:

- 35 Personal Statement Story Starters (digital workbook)

- The Ultimate Application Tracker (customizable, multi-tab spreadsheet)

* You must be logged into Google to access documents via Google Drive

What people are saying:

"35 Personal Statement Story Starters helped me write my first personal statement. It was insightful and eased my nerves because I had never written one before.

I went from a blank page to 2 pages of who I am today."

Gigi H.
Future master's student, starting autumn 2024

"The Ultimate Application Tracker is AMAZING. I seriously can't believe how much Dr. Jena put in there."

Shelby P.
Future master's student
  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Application Starter Pack for Graduate School$37

All prices in USD
